Author Bio And Interview With Anne Powell

by - October 19, 2020


Anne Powell is a teacher by day, but by night, she is an author. She lives in Canada and is an avid reader, who loves romance. Anne's dream was always to create stories, which leave her audience on the edge of their reading chair and inspire them. 







If you want to know more about Anne Powell and her works:

Facebook name: Anne Powell 

Instagram: @annepowellromance

The interview:

1. Do you have a favourite genre to write and read? If yes, why that genre?

I love romance as a genre. I find it intriguing and interesting the many obstacles couples go through to fall in love, and how their love endures through it all. 

2. During daytime you are a teacher, but during night, you are an author. Next to work and family, how long it is to write a book?

If I have to juggle day work and night work while writing, it would likely take me a few months to write a novel. Six months at the most. If I have no other distractions, I can end up writing a lot faster. 

3. Do you have any ongoing, or new project? If yes, can you tell me a secret about it?

I do have a new project I am working on. The Proposal Series part two is underway, but I’m also working on a second novel - it’s a bit more down to earth, and describes what it’s like to go from heartbreak to everlasting love.

4. You love romance. There is any famous historical couple, or romantic story, which you find very interesting, maybe even inspired you?

It may sound cliche - but I fell in love with romance novels through 50 Shades of Grey. I loved that it was unique, different, and taboo. 

5. If there is romance, it is sure, there is drama too. Do you have any favourite and least favourite romance cliche? Why those?

I hate when the female characters in books appear to be whiny. This doesn’t mean they can’t “need saving” it just means I want them to have a backbone.

6. If you would mix romance with another genre, which genre would you use?

Erotic romance or romantic suspense (the thriller type). There is nothing better than a fantastic romance with some drama.

7. For you, what are the essential parts of a good romance story?

I need to have something that keeps the couple apart that they have to overcome - something big. I need it to avoid being a simple romance because otherwise it feels boring.

8. Which are the easiest and most difficult parts of creating a book for you?

The easiest part is getting the words onto paper and getting my ideas out. The hardest part is the organization, the proofreading, and editing.

9. From fictional couples can you choose one, who are the most interesting, loveable and the most annoying for you? Why they?

THIS MAN series by Jodie. Loved the couple but hated them at the same time which completely kept my interest because there were problems but then there was love and it was so back and forth you had to keep reading. 

10. If you could live anywhere and be anything, what would you be and where? Why?

Live anywhere? Where I am. Canada. Mostly because I couldn’t bare to leave my family to live somewhere amazing like Bora Bora or something like that. What to be? A best selling author. I love to write and I want others to fall in love with my writing.

Thank you for your answers! And you, dear Reader, what would you ask from Anne Powell? 🙃

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