Author Bio And Interview With Nicky Blue

by - February 15, 2020

Nicky Blue was born in Brighton, England. Stories like Roald Dahl's Tales Of The Unexpected, or The Twilight Zone, always fascinated him. Before he started writing his own books, Nicky played and wrote songs in an alternative rock band for years. After this, he went back to university, where he studied English Literature and Philosophy. Nicky loves stories, which show, what is behind the everyday life. He loves writing fantasy and dark comedy. Nicky's latest book, Numan Versus Numan, is already available, next to his other books.

The interview

1. Dark comedy, fantasy and thrillers. Why this three genre?
They seem to be the ones that fall out of my brain for some reason. Probably because I used watch a lot of these types of movies growing up!
2. Do you have any favourite genre for writing and reading? Why these?
Dark comedy is my favourite. I blame my friends. None of them can stay serious for long.
3. There is any genre, which you have never tried yet, but once you want to write a story in it? If yes, why that genre?
I like to write more serious horror and suspense stories. (Maybe when I grow up)
4. What made you decide to become an author?
The voices in my head.
5. If you should choose, which one from your books would be your personal favourite and why?
Numan Versus Numan because it is a tribute to a dear friend who is no longer with us.
6. Do you have any ongoing, secret project?
A Cannabis farm on my uncle Derek's allotment.
7. Who is your favourite fictional character and why?
The league of Gentlemen's very own Papa lazarou.
8. For you, what is the easiest and most difficult part of writing a book?
I tend to freeze at around 90% of the way through for some reason. Probably as it's getting close to when people will start reading it. 
9. Books and music. Do you prefer quiet, or listening something, meantime writing? If yes, do you have track lists for your books?
I get irritated in someone is breathing too heavily within a mile radius of my writing desk. 
10. If you could live anywhere as anything, in what universe would you live and what would be your profession?

I would probably move to Transsexual Transylvania and become Frank-N-Furter's personal assistant.

If anyone would like a free novella of mine please feel free to join my readers list at

Thank you Nicky, for answering my questions! And you, my dear Readers, what would you ask from Nicky Blue? 🙃

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